Das BRK auf der PSCE Konferenz in Brüssel
VertreterInnen der BRK Sicherheitsforschung und Christoph Fischer aus der Integrierten Leitstelle Oberland nahmen an der Jahreskonferenz der PSCE (Public Safety Communication Europe) in Brüssel teil. Bei der Belgischen Bundespolizei trafen sich ExpertInnen verschiedener Organisationen und Behörden sowie Vertreter aus der Industrie aus Europa, der Türkei und den USA, um sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen zum Thema Breitbandkommunikation, Risikomanagement und Kommunikation mit der Bevölkerung und mit Einsatzkräften auszutauschen. Interessante Themengebiete waren hier unter anderem satellitengestütze Kommunikation, neue Möglichkeiten im 5G Netz und der Ausblick in Richtung 6G sowie Cybersicherheit und Resilienz.
Michaela Selzer aus der Sicherheitsforschung des BRK berichtete über Erfahrungen und "Lessons learned" aus dem EU-geförderten Projekt BROADWAY (https://www.broadway-info.eu), in dem das BRK das Practitioner Validation und Evaluation Team geleitet und erfolgreich 3 große Übungen (Trials) druchgeführt hat. Uwe Kippnich leitete in seiner Funktion als PSCE Präsident mehrere Sessions und die Generalversammlung der PSCE.
Success of the PSCE Winter Conference in Brussels
The PSCE Conference took place on 5 and 6 December in Brussels, Belgium in collaboration and hosted by the Belgian Federal Police. This edition was focused on key topics in the fields of Public Safety and Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR), including:
- Space Applications for Public Safety
- Climate Change: Lessons learnt from the last disasters & gaps
- From BroadWay to BroadNet: towards the governance of a pan-European broadband mobile system for PPDR
- Technologies for First Reponders
- Reinforcement of the protection of critical infrastructures
The event gathered more than 100 participants from across Europe and beyond, from heterogeneous backgrounds including practitioners, researchers, industry, civil servants. This edition was marked by a significant involvement of the European Commission, with representatives from various directorates general (DG HOME, DG ECHO, DG CNECT, DG DEFIS) who provided the latest updates and developments in their relevant field of work.
During one day and a half, delegates could follow high-level talks from experts in the field in the main conference room, as well as engage in dynamic exchanges in the sponsors and exhibition area. During the evening of the 5th, attendees had the opportunity to continue the discussions during a cocktail and social diner in a relaxed atmosphere, in the heart of Brussels.
In a world where disasters and incidents become increasingly frequent and difficult to predict, it is crucial that all actors engaged in crisis management activities, from solution providers to public authorities and practitioners, have the opportunity to gather and seek innovative pathways to minimize the negative impacts of such crises. In this regard, the debates triggered by the topics at PSCE Conference will certainly contribute to improving the efficiency of public safety operations and PSCE is committed to act as part of this effort.
Finally, the conference was also the occasion to provide the audience with a comprehensive update of the development of BroadWay and its next into BroadNet, towards governance for a Pan-European Mobile Broadband Network for Public Safety.